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New members

New to haloarmy? The following is a list of the positions in our clan. You most likely have already been assigned one. If not, pick one and include it with your sign up form on the, "Check in or sign up" page.

(army)lws AKA: light weapons specialist

This position is assigned to members who favor the pistol, sniper, assault rifle, and or shotgun. If you have been assigned this position those shall be the only weapons you will use. Your job is usually to head straight up field to the enemy or take up a sniping position.

(army)hws AKA: heavy weapons specialist

This position is assigned to members who favor and are skilled with rocket launchers, fuel rods, flamethrowers, etc. Members with this position are usually required to move around the perimeter of the map and take out enemy vehicles. If that sounds like something you like to do, then the position is for you.

(army)vs AKA: vehicle specialist

Do you like to fly in a banshee or rip around in a warthog? If so, this position is definetely for you. The vehicle specialists job is to either fly in a banshee and create a diversion for the enemy, or to hop in a warthog and transport other members to their required positions.

*The titles do not necessarily have to be your screen name. As long as you know your position you can keep your regular name with (army) in front.
