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Minimum requirements

These are the requirements for each of the positions of haloarmy

In order to be a light weapons specialist you must:
-Have an average score of 25 kills per game
-Have at least 10 more kills than deaths
-Be able to hit a moving target with sniper/pistol
-Know what advantage each light weapon gives
-Carefully follow all the rules and regulations of haloarmy

In order to be a heavy weapons specialist you must:
-Have the ability to hit a moving target with a rocket launcher
-Be able to time shots with a fuel rod so it doesn't overheat
-Be willing to die with your opponent
-Carefully follow all the rules and regulations of haloarmy

In order to be a vehicle specialist you must:
-Have the ability to drive a warthog without ever easily tipping it
-Only use the banshee when instructed or given permission
-Be able to endure being called, "noob"
-Cooperate with other members
-Carefully follow all the rules and regulations of haloarmy
